Exploring the Depths of Commitment

Attraction vs. Love: A Journey of Discovery

Dr. Shambhavi Pandey
3 min readSep 17, 2023


I've always been an animal lover at heart, filled with kindness and a gentle touch when it comes to our furry friends. It's just who I am, no matter how timid I might be. I've always made sure never to harm animals intentionally or unintentionally. Friends often asked me why I didn't have a pet, given my natural affinity. I never answered them, but deep down, I knew the truth: I loved these animals, but I wasn't certain if I could prioritize their needs over mine.

Then, one day, I met Moon, my cat, and everything changed. In that moment, while my fears and doubts didn't vanish completely, they didn't matter. I no longer cared if I had the strength or energy to provide for her needs. Simultaneously, I understood that I would go to great lengths to protect her and give her all she required.

In that transformative moment, I grasped the distinction between being attracted to someone or something and being profoundly in love. Trust me, I cared deeply about all those animals I encountered. I am naturally loving and kind in that way. Yet, I didn't love them enough to be everything they needed me to be. I still melt when I see a cat crossing my path or dogs frolicking in the park. However, I now recognize that these moments are fleeting, not a lifelong commitment to bring each and every one of them into my home.

I once shared this insight with a client, emphasizing that when someone accustomed to casual relationships decides to embark on a serious one, it's a monumental decision. It's like saying, "My life is going fine, but with you, it could be extraordinary." Even if it doesn't work out, I might miss out on some experiences, but life will still be beautiful, just in a different way. It's important to note that this isn't to say that those who aren't naturally inclined toward serious relationships are wrong or see commitment as a burden. It's simply a perspective to consider, particularly in the context of the client's choices.

So, here's the message: Don't shy away from exploring various aspects of your life, be it personal or professional. Follow your heart, not out of obligation, but for your own growth and happiness. Commitment should naturally evolve from going with the flow, not as a result of force or purposeful intent, yet it remains profoundly purposeful. It's about an irresistible desire to do something different, something that arises from the depths of your soul.

Embrace life without the weight of commitment pressure, and let it unfold in its own unique way. When you do, commitment won't feel like a burden; it'll be a choice you make willingly and naturally. Remember, you always have a choice; stop forcing yourself to believe otherwise.

In a world that sometimes demonizes commitment, thinking it's a compulsion and a burden, we must recognize that the reason it often feels this way is because we never had the chance to explore the freedom within it, as it was sometimes pre-planned for us. It's time to rediscover its beauty and freedom.

Love and light..✨💜

#LoveAndCommitment #JourneyOfDiscovery #AttractionVsLove



Dr. Shambhavi Pandey
Dr. Shambhavi Pandey

Written by Dr. Shambhavi Pandey

Dreamer and Believer. Mirror Neurons. Life Coach. CBT Practitioner.

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